Philippe Mas


Contact us


Tel : +33 (0)6 72 77 89 41


Philippe Mas antique watch making: contact us to buy, sell, restore, estimate, appraise, research

    • Looking for a particular object in the field of the antique clock making?
    • You have a clock, a pendulum clock, a musical box that you want to have restored?
    • Your grandfather or your alarm clock does not work and you want to get an idea of the cost of repairing it?
    • You want to sell an object or have it valued?
    • You want to have us value an object of antique clock making?

    Please enter your details in the questionnaire below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    If you have photos to join, send your message first via the contact form and Philippe Mas will respond by specifying his email. You can then attach your photos.

    Philippe Mas

Contact form

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